Week 12: Multi-level Models

Schedule of the Week

Mon, May 16 16:00–17:30 Office hours (Oliver) Zoom
Tue, May 17 13:30–14:30 Office hours (Thomas) Zoom
15:30–17:00 Office hours (Viktoriia) Zoom
23:59 Homework 6 due Github
Wed, May 18 8:30–10:00 Lecture A5,6 B244
Thu, May 19 10:15–11:45 Lab (Oliver) A5,6 B317
15:30–17:00 Lab (Viktoriia) B6, 27-29 D007

Study Notes

Make sure to closely read all three chapters of Gelman & Hill and skim the Clark & Linzer article. We will discuss as an application in class the model of Steenbergen & Jones. For those who deeply care about TSCS data, take also a close look at the Bell & Jones (2015) paper.


Gelman, Andrew, and Jennifer Hill. 2006. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models. New York: Cambridge University Press. Chapters 11–13. Required
Bell, Andrew, and Kelvyn Jones. 2015. “Explaining Fixed Effects: Random Effects modeling of Time-Series Cross-Sectional and Panel Data”. Political Science Research and Methods 3(1): 133-153. Required
Clark, Tom S., and Drew A. Linzer. 2015. “Should I Use Fixed or Random Effects?” Political Science Research and Methods 3(2): 399-408. Required
Steenbergen, Marco R., and Bradford S. Jones. 2002. “Modeling Multilevel Data Structures.” American Journal of Political Science 46(1): 218-37. Required